We have all noticed that our Webpage is a bit outdated and looks.. well rather dated. So we are hard at work building a new, fancy, and snazzy (well for Quakers) website.
We hope if all goes well it should be ready before the new year.
So yes, we are still here, so if your looking to find out more info, or just want to come to a meeting. Then we welcome you to attend.
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Covid-19 and Meeting
Hello Friends, we have all in one way or another felt the effects of the Covid-19 issues. Our meeting is no different, Several members have not attended, so they can practice Social Distancing, Some members have moved away for the time being of the virus. And some of us have still attended meeting, while still practicing social distancing .
Our parent meeting, Inland Valley Meeting, has set up a Digital Meeting for Worship, using the Zoom program, Their meeting starts at 10:15am on Sunday. If you would like to attending the digital meeting then please download the Zoom app on your mobile device, or on your PC or mac. Once you have the program installed you can join the meeting by clicking on this link.
And it will connect you to the Meeting. I will be attending the digital meeting on Sunday, and we can see if it is something we would like to continue to do, attending Inland Valleys Meeting or even hosting out own.
LVQuakers has a Discord Channel
Hello Friends, Just a short update but a meaningful one, in an urge to foster the community, and friends Las Vegas Quakers now has its own Discord Channel. Having a Discord channel will allow us to text chat, and voice chat very easily. You can get the Discord app on your mobile device or PC or Mac
so look for the app on your mobile app store or go to https://discordapp.com/
or you can click here to get our invite to the Server https://discord.gg/Y946tpk
I hope to chat with you all soon.
Room Change
Hello Friends
As I have mentioned in the past the Las Vegas Quakers group has been testing out a new room to hold meeting in, room #5 and as of today Sunday 10/2/18 it has been decided that room #5 will suit out needs better than room #2 did.
Room #5 has the following traits:
- Its quieter
- smaller
- has couches
- has its own restroom
- did i mention its quieter…
- and its $50 cheaper a month to rent
I would like to thank all the members who have been attending our meeting recently to check out the new room.
Meeting Update
Hello Friends
The Weekly meeting is trying out a new room for meeting that will hopefully be more quiet, then our previous one, it is a bit smaller but comes with its own restroom, and is a bit cheaper then our previous room.
We will be trying out this new room for the next 2 months and then see what the group thinks of it.
The new room for meeting is room #5 which is just a few more doors down on the left if you are looking at our meeting room Door, and you can always look for out meeting sign board.
hope to see you at meeting.
A light too quickly faded
It is with great sadness and heavy heart that we have to say goodbye to Pastor Steven Todd Willis.
On, July 30th 2018, Pastor Willis and his Wife Sheri were celebrating their first wedding anniversary with a trip to Alaska, when in a tragic turn, their canoe capsized, Sheri and the other passengers survived the ordeal but Pastor Willis did not.
Pastor Willis, you will be missed, you were the face, and heart of the First Christian Church, not to mention a friend to all.
Your light may have faded, but it has not been extinguished, and it shall shine even brighter in the Kingdom of God.
Rest well our friend.
Western Friends
Wanted to let you all know about Western Friend Magazine, Western Friend Magazine is a Quaker based Magazine that specializes in Quakerly things occurring in the West, not only can you subscribe to the magazine but you can also read some of their articles at the Website www.westernfriend.org but we also have lots of back issues on hand in the book cabinet.
So please stop by and check out Western Friends website, but also stop in for a good meeting with us, and read a article or two from Western Friends while you wait.
Las Vegas Quakers to Appear on Radio
Hello Everyone
On Saturday 1/24/15 at 5 pm till 6 pm Las Vegas Quakers own Richard Plaster and Jennifer Carr are to appear on The Wyleaner show, both on Radio and on Youtube Videos
please tune in if you can listen to it on TuneIn or, you can watch it on Youtube here:
World Quaker Day 2014
World Quaker Day 2014 Tomorrow we will be celebrating World Quaker Day, Friends World Committee is the group that is responsible for hosting this event. The idea behind the event is:
As the sun rises in each area of the world, we want to remember that Quakers are worshiping through every time zone, celebrating our deep connections across cultures and Quaker traditions. We are united in love and can accompany each other on this special day that draws us together. As we worship, let us hold each other in prayer and thanksgiving, and let our hymns of praise resound across the world. The theme Let Your Life Speak: Living the Kabarak Call for Peace and Ecojustice, connects us to the work we did at the World Conference of Friends in 2012 in Kenya, taking the work forward in the context of our spiritual communities.
We will be meeting at a Members house this Sunday (1st Day) to enjoy in the celebration. If you would like to attend then please email me at [email protected]
We will post pictures of this event as the come about.
We had a great time at the World Quaker Day meetup. We had a good group of approximately 9 in attendance, a great host and an Awesome assortment of store bought and home cooked food.Jennifer was gracious enough to host this event, thank you Jennifer for an amazing meetup.