• World Quaker Day 2014

    Man with out stretched hands toward the rising sun in the desert
    World Quaker Day 2014

    Tomorrow we will be celebrating World Quaker Day, Friends World Committee is the group that is responsible for hosting this event. The idea behind the event is:

    As the sun rises in each area of the world, we want to remember that Quakers are worshiping through every time zone, celebrating our deep connections across cultures and Quaker traditions. We are united in love and can accompany each other on this special day that draws us together. As we worship, let us hold each other in prayer and thanksgiving, and let our hymns of praise resound across the world. The theme Let Your Life Speak: Living the Kabarak Call for Peace and Ecojustice, connects us to the work we did at the World Conference of Friends in 2012 in Kenya, taking the work forward in the context of our spiritual communities. 

    We will be meeting at a Members house this Sunday (1st Day) to enjoy in the celebration. If you would like to attend then please email me at [email protected]

    We will post pictures of this event as the come about.

    We had a great time at the World Quaker Day meetup. We had a good group of approximately 9 in attendance, a great host and an Awesome assortment of store bought and home cooked food.

    Jennifer was gracious enough to host this event, thank you Jennifer for an amazing meetup.

  • My Trip to an Evangelical Friends Church

    Hello Everyone.

    I, Just did a recent trip to Corona California and I decided to look for a local Quaker meetup. I went to Google and typed in “Quaker Meeting Corona”and it gave me one result of http://www.coronafriendschurch.org/, and I noticed that it was an Evangelical friends Church and I had only been familiar with Un-programmed Meetings so this was going to be a little bit of an adventure. So here is a little run down of some of the notes that I took down during the service. Continue Reading →


    You found our webpage, now come and join us for a weekly meeting, we meet every Sunday for Silent worship at 11:00 AM. But please feel free to come in a bit earlier to get to know us or learn a little bit about us if you are inquisitive.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us by phone at: 702-551-5536 *updated* or Email at Info (@) lvquakers.org

    If you would like to make a donation to the LVQuakers then you can do so easily by going *here*

    We usually meet up at:

    First Christian Church

    101 S Rancho Dr
    Las Vegas, NV 89106
    In Room #5 *updated*